Jens Kersten,
12 November 2020
Die Kunst verändert sich mit den Medien der Gesellschaft. Wie immer geben sich Kunst- und Kulturkritik bei diesem Thema gereizt: Hat nicht Reproduktionstechnik schon die Aura des Kunstwerks zertrümmert? Müssen jetzt auch noch intelligente Maschinen dichten, malen und komponieren?
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Julian Müller,
19 June 2023
In her works, Caro Jost has spent many years examining everyday life. This, however, presents us with several problems. Since the main feature of everyday life is that its component parts go about their usual business without being remarkable in any way, any artistic approach – but also any scholarly approach – to them is faced with the challenge of engaging with this day-to-day life without aestheticizing, idealizing or indeed intellectualizing it. Three keywords provide insight into the works of Caro Jost: Dissociation, seriality and temporality.
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