CAS Blog

About this blog

The founder of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, Abraham Flexner, wrote in 1930: “…a university, like all other human institutions (…) is not outside, but inside the general social fabric of a given era. It is not something apart, something historic, something that yields as little as possible to forces and influences that are more or less new. It is on the contrary (…) an expression of the age, as well as an influence operating upon both present and future.”

The ”Center for Advanced Studies” (CAS) at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) is devoted to the idea that our university is more than simply its various branches of research. CAS brings together scholars from a range of disciplines to address important questions of general interest. It promotes cooperation between outstanding researchers and fosters the participation of international fellows in research conducted at LMU.

The CAS LMU Blog serves as an interface between scientific discourses and the public sphere. It is an academic open access forum of debate on topical events and developments in science, scholarship and society.

The blog is published by CAS LMU.

Opinions expressed on this website are not necessarily shared by the CAS LMU Blog editors.

Quality Control and Originality

Each submission will be reviewed by the CAS editors.

Submissions must be original and owned by their authors.

Plagiarism Policy

Authors must not plagiarize in their submissions to the CAS LMU Blog. We request that authors give credit to the original sources of text, ideas, and pictures. If plagiarism becomes apparent only after publication on the CAS LMU Blog, we will either publish a correction or remove the contribution.


The CAS LMU Blog’s content is open access and published under the Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives (the CC BY-NC-ND licence). This licence allows anyone to share (copy and redistribute in any medium or format) under the following conditions:

  • appropriate credit is to be given;
  • a link to the license is to be provided;
  • no additional restrictions are to be made, meaning that legal terms or technological measures which legally restrict others from doing anything that the license permits are not to be applied;
  • the material is not to be used for commercial purposes;
  • if the material is remixed, transformed, or built upon, the modified material is not to be distributed.

Authors retain the copyright to their publications on the CAS LMU Blog, giving the CAS LMU Blog permission to publish them and to disseminate publication on social media platforms.

Open Access Statement

The CAS LMU Blog is open access, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or to use them for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.


Responsible for content pursuant to § 55 (2) RStV (State Radio Agreement)
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Center for Advanced Studies LMU (CAS LMU)
Dr. Annette Meyer
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München



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